To be or not be Sagra

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Today, a bad day

Hi. Now, I am very very angry because I had written a lot,the computer has turned off and all has been deleted!!!! Definitely, today has been a bad day...
I was telling when all disappeared I wasn´t happy today and I didn´t feel like telling funny things because I was very tired because yesterday I slept only an hour and fifteen minutes. I was quarreling with my ex best friend until six o´clock in the morning by messages in the mobile and my clock has sounded at a quarter past seven...
But the worst isn´t it, because if we solved our problems I would be tired but happy...but, this don´t have solution.
I think I have lost 9 years of my life with a false friendship because she never hasn´t understood and listened me. Only she has troubles, my troubles aren´t important...I need to be with other people who understand me. I want to do new things with other people.
The situation is difficult and tense when the weekend approximate because I don´t know what I can do. I think, we´ll finish very very bad...


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