before doing my project...
Befofe doing my english project I would to say to Mary a list of very important things...:
- I don´t like to talk in public. I feel fear, my hands are sweating, and I am not able to speak in spanish...IMAGINE IN ENGLISH!!!!
- I think I had a traumatic experience when I was a child (I need "hypnosis" ,are you agree with me Jesu???) Yesterday I talked with Jesu about "ignosis" jajajajajaja (I wrote this horrible mistake...My psicology teacher would be "very happy" if she read it...maybe she would take me my 6.70 in her subject... ) Sometimes I think in my first public situation. I went to religious school. when I was in second of primary, teacher told me I had to read in the chapel. During some days I studied the text in order to do well, but when the day arrived, I forgot the paper with the text in the class and I hadn´t time to go and take it. I thought I could do it by heart but I couldn´t and only I can remember the face of the teacher in front of me grassing the text. My mind went blank... So, during all my life I have intended not to talk in public. When I was in 3º E.s.o. I wrote a beautiful poem for the mother´s day and I had to read it in the same chapel. Do you want to know what happened???? Some pupils and me were in the altar of the chapel because we had to sing during the mass. I had to read at the end of it. When I had to go to the middle of the altar in front of the microphone, I tripped with the guitar of the music teacher... I couldn´t see the way, I couldn´t distinguish the face of the people...when I began to read my hands trembled...I don´t know how I could finish...
- Sometimes people believe I don´t have shame because I do funny things and talk a lot, but it´s only mask. I belive nobody meet me at all, because in my opinion you meet someone well when you know all his/her life, his/her fears and you can unmask him/her.
I think today I am writing a lot...Bye...
At 5:15 AM,
Unknown said…
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